Hi, I’m

Katie Anderson

Hi, I’m 

Katie Anderson

What I do

I’m an internationally recognized keynote speaker, Shingo Award-winning author, transformational leadership consultant, and passionate learning enthusiast dedicated to helping you to create people-centered learning cultures and high-performance organizations.

Like you…

I have a passion for continuous learning, improving processes, and creating organizational cultures that serve people, first.

It’s what led me to get my bachelor’s degree in human biology from Stanford University, be awarded a Fulbright Scholarship, and receive my master’s degree in public health from the University of Sydney. And it’s what excited me to take operational excellence leadership roles where I led lean performance improvement teams in organizations like Stanford Children’s Healthcare and Sutter Health’s Palo Alto Medical Foundation.

And it’s what led me to start Katie Anderson Consulting to support leaders – like you – and organizations around the world to create a holistic approach to Lean and continuous improvement that puts people and learning at the heart of excellence.

My understanding of how leaders create cultures of excellence was enhanced by the opportunity to live and work in Japan, where I created deep connections with Toyota and other Japanese leaders who know that caring for your people is the key that unlocks productivity and sustainable success.

These experiences have further enriched my appreciation that operational excellence is not about the tools – it’s about people and creating organizational conditions that foster learning and engagement.

It’s my passion for learning – and sharing learning to help enable others to grow – that led me to partner with Toyota leader Isao Yoshino and write my Shingo-award winning book Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn and to start my transformational podcast Chain of Learning®.

My purpose:

Connect the hearts and minds of people around the world so that – together – we can make it a better place.

It’s my mission to empower leaders like you with the inspiration, people skills and practical tools to make your vision for a thriving learning culture in your organization a lived reality!

Why I Do What I Do

I believe that if people stay in learning…anything is possible

At my core,

I’m a learning enthusiast.

A love for learning has shaped my life decisions – both personal and professional. It’s motivated me to live, study and work in seven countries – including the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Japan.

What I have come to understand is that success of any kind is grounded in an attitude towards learning and a connection to our shared humanity – regardless of our background or culture.

When individuals and groups cultivate curiosity, caring, and courage — and consciously stay in a learning mindset – together they can achieve even the seemingly impossible.

What Makes Me Unique

I’m a partner for YOU, the change leader

Customized and personalized support.

No pre-packaged, one-size-fits-all solutions. Our partnership is tailored to your starting point, learning style, budget, and timeline.

Actionable principles and guidance.

No complex theories. Just pragmatic, simple, and easy-to-implement practices that make a big impact.

Positive boosts of inspiration.

My positive energy will spur you, your team, and organization to action, confidence, and enthusiasm.

An integrated approach.

I combine proven continuous improvement practices with human dynamics, which leads to transformational learning cultures.

“It’s like I now have a Superpower that no one knows about… and it’s so simple.”

Shawn Carner
Head of Operational Excellence, Genentech

A Bit More About My Approach

Coaching programs, courses, book and signature talks

Intention = Heart + Direction®

Understand your purpose – who you want to be – and align your actions in that direction to achieve positive impact and create a meaningful legacy.

Leading to Learn®

Lead with an attitude towards learning: set the direction for your organization, to provide support to your people, and to develop yourself to become a more effective leader through intention, reflection, and practice.

Break the Telling Habit®

Develop the courage to know that to be an effective leader or coach you do not need to have all the answers. Learn to navigate the continuums between advocacy and inquiry, expert and coach, and challenge and support.

Chain of Learning®

Build a lasting legacy by developing the capabilities and confidence in others, creating clarity about the important problems to solve, and fostering creativity across your organization.

Why Daruma dolls are my calling cards.

Daruma dolls are traditional Japanese paper mache figures that represent the perseverance and tenacity needed to achieve a goal by embodying the Japanese proverb, “Fall down seven times, get up eight.”

I use Daruma dolls to set my personal goals, integrate them into my keynote talks and workshops, and frequently give them as gifts because I believe in my core that…

Success isn’t about what you accomplish; it’s about what you learn along the way.

Are you ready to ignite positive change in your organization?

Let’s Talk

Take my FREE Change Katalyst™ self-assessment now!

Sign up today to get a free copy of the Take my FREE Change Katalyst™ self-assessment.

Get your own copy of the 4-Box Problem-Solving Tool

Sign up today to get a free copy of the 4-box problem-solving tool.

Download My Plan-Do-Check-Adjust Framework

I want the "Leading to Learn: People Centered Practices to Develop a Culture of Learning" webinar slides!

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Get the Create a Life Tapestry Art Project Instructions

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How to Ask Effective Questions

All newsletter subscribers get a copy of Isao Yoshino’s tips on “How to Ask Effective Questions” from our joint session on asking effective questions. Sign up here!

Download Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn Book Sample

Dive into Isao Yoshino’s Letter to the Reader and learn from his first mistake at Toyota. By sharing your information, you will also be subscribed to Katie’s periodic newsletter to be the first to know about new articles, events, and other learning experiences!

Download a PDF of the article "If You Think Lean is Inherently Japanese, Think Again"

Sign up below and receive a PDF of the article I wrote for Planet Lean “If You Think Lean is Inherently Japanese, Think Again”!

Get Personal Improvement A3 Coaching Tips!

Develop your coaching skills to develop others. Download the Personal Improvement A3 Coaching guide!

Start living and leading with intention today!

Do you want improve yourself as a leader, coach or learner? Getting started with an intentional practice of daily reflection can accelerate your learning. Enter your email address below to download the Daily Reflection Template.

Isao Yoshino’s Leadership Credo

Sign up here and get your copy of Isao Yoshino’s leadership credo!

Learning to Lead Leading to Learn Book

Top 10 Toyota Leadership Lessons

Receive a PDF of the first top 10 leadership lessons and insights that I learned from Mr. Isao Yoshino, a leader at Toyota for over 40 years. These lessons and more inspired us to create the bestselling book “Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn.”

Learning to Lead Leading to Learn Book

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