This week one of my most favorite interviews yet about Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn was released. The interview was a celebration and a reunion between Isao Yoshino and me with Tracy O’Rourke and Elisabeth Swan, managing partners of, who joined us on my Japan Study Trip in May 2019. Look at our smiling faces holding up the book!
It was the first interview that Mr. Yoshino and I have done together since the book’s release a month ago. I’ve done many interviews lately (including this one with Calvin Williams for his Impruver podcast that was super fun too) and webinars, but this is the first non-webinar interview Mr. Yoshino and I have had together since the book was published a month ago!
Another Daruma Giveaway!
P.S. Don’t miss out on registering for another daruma trio giveaway (limited to U.S. mailing addresses!)
Celebrating a Month of #1 New Release on Amazon
And what a month it has been! In the book’s first month, it debuted and held steady as the Amazon #1 new release in Lean Management, Coaching and Mentoring, and Industrial and Labor Relations categories, as well as high on the international best seller lists across Amazon regions. All of your positive reviews and comments made directly to me mean so much to us both!
I had set a mini goal of 50 global reviews on Amazon and we hit it this week – all written reviews with 5 Stars! Thank you!
A Mentor’s Words: “Now an awesome book is out to the world!”
Mr. Yoshino heard from his own mentor (Mr. Sugiura, his boss during Kan-Pro, for those of you who have read the book) this week after sending him a copy of the book. He was deeply touched and honored by the compliment Mr. Sugiura made in calling the book “awesome” (or “sugoi” in Japanese) and knowing that he was happy with the book. Mr. Yoshino wrote this to me:
I received an email from Mr. Sugiura the other day. He went through the book quickly and he liked the way you described in the book using the concept of fabric structure. … He was very impressed with the way you put my Toyota life story. He used an expression in Japanese “Sugoi Hon ga deta!”, which means “Now an awesome book is out to the world!”. He never uses an exaggerating expression, but he said “Sugoi (awesome)” in his email. It shows he was really excited with the book.
He also said he cannot wait for the book translated into Japanese. He said he wants to bring the Japanese version with him when he has a chance to visit the grave of Mr. Nemoto. (Grave visits are our regular Japanese practice to show our appreciation & respect to the people we owe our life to). I feel honored to know that Mr. Sugiura was that happy with the book.
Mr. Yoshino and I talked last night and both remarked at what a wonderful compliment this was, and a great honor of maintaining the chain of learning of Mr. Nemoto to Mr. Sugiura to Mr. Yoshino to John Shook and me and you!
But back to the wonderful conversation with Tracy and Elisabeth
In the interview you can hear Mr. Yoshino talk “behind-the-scenes” about our working relationship and how our conversations deepened Mr. Yoshino’s appreciation of his leadership journey — and mine too. We delve into the contrasting cultures of East vs. West vs. Toyota and the resulting impact on leadership styles. Watch to the end where I “flip the interview” and turn the tables on the Tracy and Elisabeth and ask them on their most profound learnings from the book!

Join us as we discuss:
- Collaborating on the book
- Discoveries about Isao’s experiences
- The concept of the “warp and weft” of life
- Western-style leadership vs. Toyota leadership
- How “Lean” is not a label in Japan
- The importance of reflection
I also want to put a shout out and thank you to Elisabeth for her role on my editorial board (an early reviewer of my manuscript at the end of last year) and for her glowing endorsement that graces the back cover of the book along with Matt May and Rich Sheridan. I’m so grateful and honored by all of their words.
Don’t forget to register for the daruma giveaway
Those of you who know me have discovered that I’m a bit obsessed with daruma dolls. Visiting the daruma temple is a highlight of my Japan Study Trips, as Tracy O’Rourke and Elisabeth Swan experienced, and I use daruma dolls to set personally set goals. I love to give out daruma dolls to clients, colleagues, and friends! On my frequent trips back to Japan, I bring back hundreds of the mini darumas so that I can give them away. I’d love to give some to you!
On my last trip to Japan six months ago — preparing for what was a sold-out May 2020 Japan Study Trip — I returned with several large bags of darumas that I intended to hand out at conferences, client events, and more this coming year. Since in-person events are not happening, I still want to spread some daruma love!
Register for the daruma trio giveaway today! Open until August 28th. Three lucky webinar listeners in the U.S. will each will a trio of darumas.
Exciting Announcement: Keynote at AME 2020!
Mr. Yoshino and I are also excited to announce that we will be keynoting the Association for Manufacturing Excellence’s annual conference this year! We had planned to be there in person, but with all plans of 2020, we have adjusted to virtual and are thrilled to be able to share our stories of learning and leading.