How can we use our creativity – and kindness – to help us move forward into a better future?
The latest article that I’ve written for the Lean Post – this time in collaboration with my coaching partner and friend Karyn Ross – was published today. I wanted to share it, and some additional resources and commentary, with you.
Don’t Just Go Back – Go Forward…With Kindness and A Little Creativity!
In the past few months as our world has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve heard a lot about “how do we get back to normal?” In today’s Lean Post, Karyn and I reflect together on what we have learned from our personal experiences in the past months and from our collaboration with K2C2 (Katie and Karyn’s Coaching Community) — not to go back, but to go forward!
You can link directly to the article in the Lean Post here.
Karyn and I write in the article:
As we all grapple with ongoing changes imposed by the COVID-19 virus, we have an opportunity to reflect deeply and thoughtfully on what we choose to take forward with us — the practices and ways of being and working that were good, positive, and useful. In reflecting, we can also select the approaches we want to leave behind, whether they served us in the past but do not fit in our new reality, or were just “how things have always been done” even though they did not serve us well. This time of change is our opportunity to create new ways to bring value and benefit to people, animals, and our planet.
In the article, we reflect on these concepts:
- Don’t just think about “going back”
- Connect with purpose and align your actions
- Focus on cooperation and collaboration
- How we get there is just as (or more important) than where we are going
- Be Creative! No ‘I can’t’s’ here!
- Be Kind
As Sakiichi Toyoda set out in his precepts nearly 100 years ago: “We should always be studious and creative, striving to stay ahead of the times.”
How can we use our knowledge from the past – yet stay ahead of the times by creating a new future?
Go to the Lean Post article to learn more about how we think about going forward into the future – with kindness and a little creativity!
Reflections on a year of K2C2 collaboration
As Karyn and I reference in the article – as we approach the first anniversary of our collaboration in creating K2C2 – Katie and Karyn’s (or Karyn and Katie’s) Coaching Community – we found it a fitting time to reflect on what we have learned. What started as a idea to bring our complimentary (yet different) perspectives, approaches, and personalities together to help people develop themselves and become part of a community of practice has resulted in a community of nearly 75 people from five K2C2 cohorts and one “K2C2 Intensive” workshop.
Our motto has become 1 + 1 = WAY more than 2!

Join our K2C2 Community!
The next K2C2 cohort (#6) starts in just over two weeks on June 4th. Please join us for this six-week series where you will connect with your purpose, set a daily intention for practice, focus on skills such as asking questions and listening, and more! Register here.
We practice “right sized pricing”, which means that you pay what you can – from the suggested rate to nothing at all.
Other K2C2 events and cohorts are listed on our K2C2 organizer page on Eventbrite.
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Interview with Karyn Ross: “How to Coach for Creativity and Service Excellence”