Happy New Year!
As I write, the year is changing over around the world. Happy new year!
It’s already 2016 in Japan. But before it is the end of 2015 everywhere in the world, I wanted to end the year with my top 10 blog posts from 2015.
I will be conducting my end-of year reflections when I’m back in “the office” (my home office that is), and I encourage you to do the same (here are some questions to help you in your year-end reflection process).
In the meantime, here are the top 10 most popular blog posts that I’ve written this past year.
Top 10 Blog Posts from 2015
1. Leading Daily Improvements: Creating New Habits and Practices to Support Daily Problem Solving (3021 views – by far and away my most popular post! This also had over 80 comments on LinkedIn. I value the engagement and contributions).
2. Japan Gemba Visit – Lean in Hospitals (933 views)
3. Lean Leadership Lessons and Gemba Visit to Toyota City, Japan (786 views) (aka “Toyota Leadership Lessons Part 1”)
4. Toyota Kyushu Gemba Visit Part 3 – “If You Always Ask For Success Then People Will Lie“ (704 views)
5. Toyota Kyushu Gemba Visit Part 1 – Miyata Plant Tour (640 views)
6. Mid-Year Review: Reflection From 6 Months in Japan (634 views)
7. Toyota Leadership Lessons Part 4 – Helping to Develop People (487 views)
8. Japan Gemba Visit: Innovation Through Kaizen (425 views) (aka “The only rule is no rules”)
9. Toyota Kyushu Gemba Visit Part 2 – TPS Promotion Office (386 views)
10. Effective Questions to Promote Problem Solving Thinking (344 views)
Thank you to YOU!
Thank you for reading and contributing to my blog this past year. Committing to writing this blog has helped me keep my intentions to learn, reflect and share about what I’m learning about leadership, Lean and life in Japan.
Hearing from you and joining a broader community of thinkers around the world have been one of the highlights of this past year of living in Japan.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed and shared comments. Please continue to share your thinking by adding your comments, and sharing posts on social media if you enjoy them!
Special thanks to my top discussion contributors: Mark Graban, Michael Bremer, Charles Intrieri, Dan Markovitz. I have learned from all of your comments and your own writings.
May you have a happy new year and best wishes for health, happiness and learning in 2016!