Reflections on Leadership

Reflections on Leadership

Episode 6 - Inside the Lean Mindset Behind-the-Scenes Leadership Insights
Episode 6 - What does a Lean Mindset mean to you? What steps can you take to create a culture of continuous improvement? What behaviors make you a more effective...
Episode 5 - Achieve More by Performing Less
Episode 5 - Have you ever felt burned out and exhausted from the constant pressure to perform, to achieve, or to get it “right”? Or is your organization putting a...
Episode 4 -Leading for Impact: The Power of Being Over Doing
Episode 4 - Have you ever heard something that is so profound – in its simplicity and truth – that you know it’s going to impact the way you think...
Episode 3 -A Growth Mindset is the Foundation of a Continuous Improvement Culture with Carol Dweck
Episode 3 - What is a growth mindset and how is it a critical foundation if you want to develop a culture of continuous improvement and operational excellence? In this...
Episode 2 - Leading with the Heart to Create a Culture of Continuous Learning
Episode 2 - What does it really take to create a thriving organization – one that is not just focused on delivering results, but doing so by engaging people’s minds...
Episode 1 - Welcome to Chain of Learning
Episode 1 - The pressure to get results and outcomes, to deliver value for customers, and to stay ahead of the competition remains paramount for organizations to survive into the...

What is a leader’s role in creating a culture of continuous improvement? What is the real meaning of kaizen? What does “lean” mean in Japan? On my fourth edition of...

Lean Mindset Group Photo

What is a “Lean Mindset”? How can you create a culture of continuous learning? How do you pursue excellence – through learning from failure – for yourself and your team?...

Author Interview with Lynn Kelly

Are you a leader struggling with creating change in your organization? Trying to figure out how to not be the 70% of failed change initiatives? Or wondering how to get...

Interview with George Saiz We Started With Respect

How do you create a culture of respect? What does a culture of authentic leadership look like in real life? Where do you start with organizational transformation? I’m happy to...

Author Interview with Mark Graban

What drives continuous improvement? What are the benefits of having a culture of learning from mistakes? What role does kindness play in leadership? I am so thrilled to welcome back...

Author Interview with Joshua Plenert How We Go

How do we simplify culture change? How do we make it more accessible? How do we simplify that so that an everyday manager can really drive significant improvements in culture?...

This Little Girl Is Me - Katie Anderson

This Little Girl is Me

There is something quite remarkable happening on LinkedIn and across other social media platforms at the moment. At the time of writing (end of September

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Learning to Lead Leading to Learn Book

Top 10 Toyota Leadership Lessons

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Learning to Lead Leading to Learn Book

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